Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Unique Engagement Rings

Hi everyone I hope you’re all enjoying the beginning of spring! I’m so excited about this week’s post. We’re going to shake things up and, rather than focus on a “gem of the week,” we’re going to discuss a growing trend in the jewelry world. Every bride is unique and today there are a number of brides who want everything from their engagement to their wedding day to be as unique as they are. As a result, non-traditional engagement rings have been steadily growing in popularity.

An engagement ring can be classified as “alternative” for a variety of reason including the metal and gem choice. Gem Steady has also been taking part in this trend with more and more people selecting colored gems such as Moldavite, Ruby, Emerald, rough Diamonds, and Diamond Slices. People from all different walks of life are selecting alternative rings over the traditional diamond engagement ring. While non-traditional rings may still not be the most popular ring option, they are undoubtedly the most memorable.

And like many trends, these non-traditional rings are popping up all over Hollywood. A number of stars, such as Jessica Simpson, Halle Berry, and Olivia Wilde, have all opted for alternative engagement rings. With a growing number of people wanting their weddings and lives to be as unique as they are, it’s no surprise that so many people are following these celebrities’ leads.

If you’re looking for a ring as extraordinary as you are be sure to check out Gem Steady’s amazing selection! Do you think alternative engagement rings are simply a trend or do you think they’re here to stay? Let us know! Leave us a comment below and tweet us with your thoughts!

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Have an amazing week!
-Best Intern AR

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jaunty Jade

Jade Photo from Wikipedia Commons
Happy Tuesday everyone! This week we’re continuing our green theme of the month. Our gem of the week is one that has been a highly esteemed, and highly used, gem for thousands of years. This week we’re going to focus on the beautiful Jade. There are a wide variety colors that Jade can appear in including green, black, blue, brown, lavender, orange, purple, red, white, and yellow.

This gem has one of the most interesting histories of any stone. In ancient times in the British Isles, people used Jade to create axe heads, knives and weapons. Additionally, in Mexico, Central and South America people used Jade to create deity masks and ritual artifacts. Most interestingly, Jade has been highly valued fin China throughout its history and was popular for its beauty and powers of healing and protection.

Jade has been known to increase access the spiritual world, encourage creativity and dream-solve. Also, Jade is used as a protective talisman because it can assure long life and a peaceful death and is also a powerful healing gem. Jade can also help to balance nerves and can heal feelings of guilt. Additionally, this gem is a great cleansing stone and can help the body’s filtration. Jade has been used to treat kidneys, spleen and balance the fluids.

Additionally, Jade is a popular dream stone that can help release negative thoughts and irritability. Jade can also stabilize your personality and stimulate ideas. This gem can help to improve your ability to remember dreams. This gorgeous green gem is also used to provide confidence, self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Jade is associated with the Heart chakra and will aid in both emotional and physical well-being.

Are you looking for an amazing unique addition for your jewelry collection? Be sure to check out Gem Steady’s great selection! Do you have any experience with Jade? We would love to hear about it, leave us a comment below or tweet us!

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Have a great week!
-Best Intern AR

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Elegant Emerald

From Wikipedia Commons
Happy Tuesday everyone! And welcome to our second week of green-gem-packed month! As much as I love winter, I’m very excited for the beginning of spring. With slightly warmer weather approaching the Ohio River Valley this past weekend, discussing another spring gem seems completely fitting. This week we’re going to learn more about the stunning Emerald.

This great gem can help to promote friendship, create balance within relationships, and can even create domestic bliss and loyalty. Emerald is also associated with the heart and Heart Chakra. The birthstone for those born in May and June, Emerald is known to embody compassion and unconditional love.

Emerald has also been believed to give its wearer the ability to foresee future events. This awesome gem is a stone of wisdom, which can help promote memory and increase mental clarity. Additionally, Emeralds can increase your focus and intent. Emeralds are particularly effective in the work place because it can increase mental acuity, strengthen your memory and inspire eloquence in speech.

In ancient times, Emeralds were used to honor the goddess Venus. Interestingly, Emeralds were sold in markets in Babylon as early as 4,000 B.C.  Also, the Incas who believed the beautiful gem contained a goddess worshiped Emeralds. This beautiful stone was believed to be a symbol of eternal life in ancient Egypt and was even a favorite jewel of Cleopatra. Emeralds were talismans for Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, and moguls of India.

Emeralds have been used to honor a number of other goddesses as well. Including, Annapurna, the Hindu goddess of food, kitchens and cooks. Astarte, the Phoenician goddess of fertility, love and war, has also been honored using Emeralds. This gem has been used to honor three Celtic goddesses of sovereignty, Banbha, Eriu, and Fodla. Finally, Emeralds were used to honor Persephone, the Greek goddess of spring.

This great gem can help to cure a number of aliments including treating lungs, liver, gall bladder, and the spine and muscle system. Additionally, Emeralds can help to combat aging. This gem is considered by some people to be the best gem for treating the eyes and restoring eyesight. Emeralds are also useful in healing emotional troubles and can fill you with energy of hope, encouragement, and abundance. Emeralds are also often used in meditation.

Are you looking to add to your own jewelry collection? Be sure to check out Gem Steady’s great selection! Do you have any experience with Emeralds? We would love to hear about it, leave us a comment below or tweet us!

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Have an amazing week!
-Best Intern AR

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mystical Malachite

Photo from Wikipedia Commons
Another happy Tuesday from Gem Steady! In honor of the beginning of March this week’s focus will be on an immaculate green gem. In fact, I’m challenging myself to dedicate each week’s blog to a green gem throughout the entire month. We may still a few weeks away from the famously green holiday of St. Patrick’s Day; however, learning more about a green beauty is a great way to get into the spirit of the holiday. With the cold of winter still lingering on looking forward to classic spring holidays is a great way to warm up.

So try to remember warmer times with me as we dive right into our gem of the week – Malachite! This gorgeous gem’s name is derived from the Greek word for mallow green stone because of its similarity to the leaves of the Mallow plant. This stone was used to create amazing pigment in green paints until around 1800. Ancient Egyptians often mined Malachite between the Suez and Sinai around 4,000 B.C. Ancient Greeks and Romans also used Malachite for jewelry, ornaments and even eye shadow.

The stone has also been used in various decorative manners such as in the Malachite Room in the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg and the Malachite Room in Castillo de Chapultepec in Mexico City. The Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, Missouri, features one of the largest pieces of malachite in North America, which was a gift from Tsar Nicholas II. Malachite has been mined and used as a gemstone in the Timna Valley in Israel for over 3,000 years.

This great gem can also help you to heal both physically and emotionally by stimulating the Life Force throughout the aura and body. Malachite is believed to be a protection stone, which will absorb the negative energies around you. It is also believed to be able to protect its wearer from radiation of all kinds.

Malachite is the perfect gem for a frequent traveler. It can help to alleviate the effects of jet lag, will encourage easy business travel and can even help protect you while traveling on congested highways. Additionally, Malachite is a stone that will help protect airplanes from accidents and miners from unexplained accidents.

This gem also alleviates the effects malaria and Parkinson’s disease. It can also help with asthma, intestinal problems and rheumatic pain. Malachite will help to lower blood pressure, treat epilepsy and vertigo. This gem can also strengthen the immune system and cure kidney and gallstones. Additionally, Malachite will encourage you to take more emotion risks and alleviate shyness. Malachite is associated with the Heart Chakra.

Malachite has been used to honor Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of joy and fertility, and the patron of Egyptian miners. The gem is also used to honor Isis, the Egyptian goddess of life, one of the best-known goddess of Egyptian mythology. Finally, the gem used to honor Persephone, the Greek goddess of spring.

Are you searching for a great new addition to your gem collection? If so, check out Gem Steady’s amazing selection! Do you have any experience with Malachite, or have a favorite green gem? We would love to hear about it, leave us a comment below or tweet us!

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Have a good week!

-Best Intern AR