Friday, September 27, 2013

Ring of Fire

  Happy Friday my Gem Steady loves! Brittany C. and the Whittle Master made a few gem-tastic purchases lately that have me oh so inspired. Opal, in my opinion is one of the most fascinating gemstones around. Their sparkling multi-colored flecks glisten like the star speckled sky and is oddly enough formed out of hydrated silica. Opal comes from a land down under and is the official gemstone of Australia, which happens to produce 97% of the world’s supply of this dazzling rock.  The base-color of Opal can be clear, white, gray, magenta, green and blue to name a few and the most coveted colors are red against black. There are two types of Opal. Precious Opal has an array of color specks while common Opal is often opaque.
  Opal is sought after for its beauty, and during the Middle Ages it was coveted for its ability to bring good luck. Back then you wouldn’t find a rabbit’s foot nestled in the pocket of one’s britches. You would find their lucky Opal! The Opal was considered lucky because of the multi-colored flecks that supposedly represented other gemstones. The more colors within the Opal, the luckier it was.  A slightly stranger use for the stone during this time was invisibility. Some souls believed that an Opal wrapped in a fresh bay leaf, could be used as a cloak of invisibility while nestled in one’s palm. Sadly, there is no historic evidence to back this claim(otherwise I’d be stocking up on Opal and bay leaves!).
  Jump forward to present day and the Opal still has a vast amount of uses and healing properties. Opal is closely connected with the human mind. It has the ability to enhance memory, and bump up creative juices.
  Some may refer to Opal as a classier mood ring, because it reflects the mood of whoever is wearing it. Sensitive souls may experience greater sensations from Opal because it is a stone ripe with emotions. However, Opal’s emotional tendencies do not make it a weak or timid stone. In fact, Opal encourages its owner to be independent and original. Not to mention it encourages confidence in one’s own skin. Let a few Opals dangle from your ear lobes and discover your full potential and feel a sense of self-worth like never before.
  So, Opal can make you feel pretty darn good about yourself, but did you know it can help you make others feel real good too? Opal is a stone used for heat and passion. Opal is sensual and enticing and it makes an excellent piece for the hopeless romantic. Wear Opal on your next date to test out its full romantic abilities.
  I know you are all dying to get your paws on some Opal now; I am too! Head over to Gem Steady’s Etsy for available pieces and custom pieces.
 Do you have a flashy Opal piece you would like to flaunt? Send us a pic!
 Be sure to stalk all of our social media for updates and new pieces!
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Thank you all so much for reading! 
Love intern BB

Thursday, September 19, 2013

That Darn Garnet

  Happy Friday my lovely Gem Steadies! Lets use this glorious morning as an excuse to gab about some pretty rocks. We are dedicating this post the January birthstone, Garnet. This special mineral has been swooned over for its natural beauty since the Bronze Age. While many know Garnet as a deep red rock, other varieties can be found in green, pink, orange, brown and the rarest of them all, blue. Garnet can be a real trickster when it comes to a true color because certain varieties, such as blue Garnet can change color in incandescent light. What a color chameleon!
  So, Garnet is a beautiful gem and with its ability to change color it could land a day job as a magician, but this little mineral contains deeper powers too. Garnet is a multi-tasker with a wide array benefits and solutions for both physical and mental health. In Medieval times, Garnet played a big role in medicine and it was known for healing hemorrhages and inflammation. Some may consider Garnet as the ancient version of a protein powder. It was very popular to wear a bit of Garnet before engaging in physical activity because the stone has been said to boost endurance and strength. I’ll be sure to toss a few garnets in my gym bag prior to my next sweat session.
  Garnet is not only a fantastic workout buddy, it is also a great business partner, especially if your business is people-oriented. Garnet is said to increase one’s confidence and people skills, causing others to be attracted to the Garnet-clad soul. If you want to be Miss(or Mister) popular around your office, be sure to wear some Garnet to your next meeting.
  Garnet is a very positive stone, as we already know and perhaps its greatest strength is helping those suffering from depression. Our sweet little stone likes to find the root of one’s unhappiness and kick it to the curb. It digs through your mind, picking up any negative thoughts along the way, throws them in trash bag and sends them packing. Wearing Garnet is a good way to become a balanced, level-headed individual. Garnet knows that too much of anything is not healthy and it encourages an easy-going, relaxed manner. Garnet is not exactly a hippy, but it certainly is one mellow dude.
 Our marvelous Garnet certainly is an admirable gem and would make one fabulous best friend(if it became human). Do you need a rock that is a popular, non-dramatic workout buddy that wants you to strive in the workplace? Gem Steady has you covered! Check out this ring and don’t be shy to ask about custom pieces!  
   Now tell us all about your positive experiences with Garnet!

 Thank you all for reading the Gem Steady Blog! Be sure to check out all of our social media sites and be sure to tell us what gem you want to see on here next week!
               Follow us on Instagram and Twitter- @gemsteady
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                And check out our website!

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!
Love intern BB

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fit for a Queen

  Happy Friday lovely Gem Steadies! I would like to start by sending out a big happy birthday to Gem Steady Queen, Brittany C! In honor of Brittany C’s Friday the 13th birthday, we are going to examine the dazzling world of Sapphires, which happen to be the September birthstone. The Sapphire’s blue hue possesses a striking resemblance to the ocean’s depths and is just as luxurious as a bejeweled crown nestled atop a fine silk pillow. One look at one of these lapis lovelies will leave you memorized. Wrap a Sapphire around your finger and you will feel down right royal.
  The luxurious Sapphire has a history that certainly holds up to its beauty. Kings and queens of ancient Rome and Greece adorned themselves in Sapphires to ward off envy and harm. During Medieval times the Sapphire fulfilled a similar purpose for the wealthy, giving its owner protection and wisdom. Fast forward to slightly more recent times, when Prince Charles gifted Diana Spencer with a marvelous Sapphire engagement ring, which she adored according to reports. Now this is one seriously royal stone!
  Nearly every well-established religion has held a special use for the Sapphire, which is easily understood considering the stone can enhance faith and sincerity. Buddhists saw the Sapphire as a source of spiritual enlightenment, while Hindus used the beautiful blue gems in offerings to align astrological influences. Christians made ecclesiastical rings with Sapphires, because they symbolized chastity.
  Luckily for everyone who is not royal or super devout, Sapphires are still waiting to work magic on you too. Sapphire’s are little blue geniuses that can provide their keeper with wisdom and serious book smarts, and even just simple common sense. Slip on some Sapphire before making an important decision and during exam week. Sapphire can be like X-ray glasses. It helps one to see the underlying truth beneath a big messy pile of lies.
   Our royal gem Sapphire is fabulous for the goal-oriented soul, as it increases organizational skills and determination. Sapphire is almost like a big breath of fresh air. It can clear the mind and can make the messiest of situations an orderly one.
  Getting engaged soon? Sapphire is a very romantic gem and it encourages love and honesty, making it a wonderful choice for an engagement ring. Even if you are not in love, chances are you could fall in love with Sapphire. Embrace Sapphire as the marvelous, wise, focused stone it is and reap the benefits for a lifetime.
  Do you have a favorite Sapphire piece? Send us a pic! Can’t get enough Gem Steady? Subscribe to all of our social media pages!
Instagram & Twitter: @gemsteady

Thank you all so much for reading the Gem Steady blog!
You guys rock(get it, rock? Like gems?)!
Love Intern BB

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Motivated: How To Get and Stay There. PART ONE.

Motivation can be a tricky thing if not applied regularly.
We all have things that we wish to do or accomplish, but we lack or THINK we lack the discipline or motivation to get there. You may aspire to run your own business, pursue a healthier lifestyle, or have better relationships. Maybe you wish to write and publish your own novel, take up running, or travel some place on your bucket list. I'm sure we've all heard someone (maybe even yourself) say something along the lines of, 'I wish I could loose 10 pounds, find a new job, start knitting sweaters for cats.... but I don't have the discipline/self control/motivaton. Boo-Hoo. Whoa-is-me.' 

I am here to tell you that we all possess discipline, self control, and motivation. It is inside of every single one of us somewhere. But it's our choice whether or not we use it. If you want something bad enough you WILL make it happen. If you don't want it bad enough....well. It won't. 

Motivation has two mortal enemies.
Doubt. And excuses.

In part one of this blog we're going to break down doubt and excuses and expose the truth and lies behind them both.

Doubt has a way of getting in our heads and tainting what would've been perfectly good thoughts and actions. Doubt can alter the energy of your work and interactions. Doubt can be seen, felt, and heard if it is present. And doubt will certainly devour motivation if allowed to take over.

Doubt and lack of confidence are fraternal twins. Often times, when we doubt ourselves it is a result of low self esteem and poor confidence. Posture and body language are indicators of ones level of confidence. If you could use a boost; try making a conscious effort to sit and stand up straight. A small adjustment like this can lead to big changes in how you operate.

Try making habits of writing down the things you like about yourself, or give yourself a pat on the back when you've accomplished a goal. If you catch yourself thinking something negative redirect those thoughts to something positive. Hang around people who make you feel good and encourage you to try new things. Stay away from energy vampires.

If you want something you have to first believe you can have it. If you allow yourself to doubt this certain thing is attainable, the chances of you getting it will decreases immensely. Think positive!

Now to excuses.... Excuses are pounds of lies with just a sprinkle of truth on top to make it seem more ok. Excuses are the lead cause of procrastination, and the justification of lazy and morose behavior. I'm sure you've heard some of these before...

"I'll strive for my goals one day but I've had a bad week, so now I'm going to do nothing to better myself and wallow in self pity. I deserve 12 months of unproductive self loathing because  blah...blah...blah...."

"This person made me upset earlier. I don't care if I am training for a marathon, I'm going to eat this entire pizza and down a couple forties because I have the sads. I'll make up for it tomorrow."

"It's Friday."

"It's Saturday."

"It's Sunday."

"It's Monday."

"Tuesday's I like to lay on the couch and shove pie in my face because I'm still devastated about Monday."

"It's Wednesday."

"It's Thursday."

"I'll start Monday."

Excuses are good for nothing except causing us to plateau. In order to defeat the excuse, we must first admit to ourselves that we are making them. Write down your excuses and expose them for what they are. LIES. Find out what you can do to help benefit yourself instead of making the excuse. Yes. maybe you did have a rough week and feeling all sorry for yourself and drowning the pain with a couple sixers of Zimas with Jolly ranchers seems easy and warranted. Think again. What could you do to help yourself  here instead? How can your filter your emotions into something productive?

Recognize the excuse. Kill the excuse. Cultivate the better person within.

Now that we've touched on a couple of the motivation killers, let's take some time to recognize where we can clean some things up in our lives to make room for success. What are your goals? What is the first step to achieving this goal? Is doubt or an excuse in the way of you taking this first step? 

Thanks for reading this weeks post. Part Two will dig deeper into helping you get and stay motivated. I look forward to your questions and comments in the section below. 

You are also invited to follow us on
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And visit our website full of beautiful and healing jewels

Gem Steady adj. 1. The art of vibing out to the max. Being so incredibly awesome it almost hurts. Focusing on the good and trying your best all da tiz-ime. Spreading that positive energy everywhere you go. Word.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Attention Boys And Pearls

   Happy Friday my lovely Gem Steadies, intern BB here! You may have noticed that Gem Steady has tackled the shiny and luxurious world of Pearls lately and it turns out that Pearls are good for much more than sitting pretty around your neck.
   Let’s dive deep into the ocean where the mollusk(origin of the Pearl) is minding his own business, when suddenly a grain of sand or a pesky parasite sneaks into the shell and makes itself at home. The poor invaded mollusk must now try to protect itself from the intruder by forming a hard and smooth surface around the particle. If the intruder hangs around long enough, the Pearl will continue to form, layer by layer. The Pearl is usually formed within one to six years and it sure is worth the wait!
  Pearls are considered to be a sign of purity and innocence. Just like a child, the quiet and calm little beauties are known to be very absorbent to whatever situations they are exposed to. Keep your strand of Pearls at home when you are expecting negativity to be present, so your little Pearls do not soak up the bad vibes.
  On the contrary, worn in a positive and healthy environment, your Pearls will become engulfed with positive energy and the best of vibes. Exposing Pearls to these good vibes will allow them to work in your favor and bring peace and enlightenment into your life.
  An interesting fact about my Pearl pals is that they are connected with treating blood related disorders and maintaining a good body temperature. Pearls have been said to give off a chilled effect when in contact with skin and can balance out bodily fluids. Traditional Indian medicine had an array of uses for the Pearl including jaundice, eye complications and Pearls were used to help people who had gone mad. Pearls are relatively easy to ground up, making them the perfect fit to use in medicine, potions and special drinks. However, I do suggest talking with your doctor before crushing up your Pearl necklace and mixing it with your breakfast smoothie(just in case)!
 The Pearl wants to help you feel a sense of peace and clarity within the mind. Pearls bring-out sensitivity and compassion within even the hardest of souls. In addition to the Pearl’s soothing effect, it will also aide in concentration.  I experienced this first hand last night when I zipped through hours of homework  without being tempted to visit Facebook. Good thing I was wearing my Pearl necklace!
   It is quite remarkable that an oyster’s defense mechanism against foreign bodies eventually becomes a lustrous and pure Pearl, that we get to wear and enjoy for a lifetime.  Do you have a favorite Pearl piece? Have you ever experienced the power of a Pearl? We would love to read all of your stories!
  Searching for a new Pearl piece? Click here to view Gem Steady’s offerings!
  Thank you all for being such a lovely audience and I hope you take away some fascinating information about Pearls!

 Love Intern BB

Monday, September 2, 2013

Energy Vampires. How To Spot One And Avoid Being Sucked Dry.

Hi! Coach Brit C here! Do you have people in your life who are exhausting to be around? Have you ever left a social encounter feeling depleted? Do you have certain 'friends' you can only handle spending time with once every six months? If you've answered yes to any of these questions; you, my dear, have got yourself an energy vampire. These types of vampires are not so different than your precious Edward Cullen. Only it's not blood an energy vampire feeds on. These beings feed on the energy of those around them.

 Here are a few different types of vampires to get familiar with:

1. The Sob Sister.
The sob sister (or brother) is someone who constantly wallows in self pity and talks repeatedly of their shortcomings. The Sob Sister/Brother has no interest in finding a solution to their problems, but always has some kind of horrible or inconvenient situation to chat you up about.

2.The Blamer.
The Blamer does just that. Blame. If a situation doesn't work out as planned, or something doesn't go their way you can bet your sweet ass they'll be blaming someone else. They will try their hardest to make you feel really guilty about it too. They're real good at that.

3. The Drama Queen.
The Drama Queen (or King) makes a big deal about everything. No matter the situation it is "OMG. SUCH a huge ordeal". Always has relationship drama and constantly blows things out of proportion.

Energy vampires often possess the following traits:

*Constant Talker/Joke Teller- Loves being the center of attention and the sound of their own voice.

*Clingy and needy - Always wants you to fix their problems or give them advice.

*Stone Cold Meany- Puts others down to make themselves feel better. Someone who has extremely low self esteem and gains energy by gossiping or making fun of other people and making them feel just as bad as he/she does. These meanies are motivated by negativity and get a rush from intentionally hurting others.

Ok. Now that we know how to spot and identify an energy vampire its time to learn how to deal with the ones in our life.

It's a well know saying that 'misery loves company', so if you have the option of avoiding this person or persons then by all means; stay away.

If this is not an option here are some tips I have adapted from this site right here.

1. Ground yourself.
Make the conscious decision to not be affected. You are a huge pine tree with roots deep into the ground and cannot by moved. You are sturdy and strong and can only being budged by intense beauty or kind words. No negativity can break me.

2. Shield Yourself.
Envision a protective force surrounding you that cannot be penetrated by negative energy. You are surrounded by love. Keep your shield strong and do not let this guard down. It will break if you aren't on your toes.

3.Bring backup.
If you must be in a situation with an energy vampire bring along some friends to help soak up the blows. Observe the group and take notes on how the others are handling the vampire. Then tell your friends you're sorry for doing that to them.

4.Be a good listener.
Chances are if you're dealing with an energy vampire they got this way because of many negative experiences they've had along their path. Try listening without inputting to see if the root issues ever arise. It might not be fun, but it'll be a valiant effort of help if anything.

5.Lend a helping hand.
Is their negativity a cry for help? Can you do anything for this person?

6.Keep it light and friendly.
When speaking with an energy vampire stay away from heavy topics. Don't talk about the Illuminati. Keep it light to avoid triggering a freaking avalanche.

7.Limit contact or cut ties completely.
Like I said earlier; if you can help it, stay the hell away. This may sound harsh, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

And since I'm into this kind of thing....There are many gemstones out there that can help protect us from negative energy and the psychic attacks of energy vampires. Including.....


to name a few.

Try carrying some rocks around with you, or wearing some handmade jewelry.

I hope this post wasn't too draining. Maybe some of you even had a little revelation about certain people in your lives. If you read this and then realized that you, yourself are the energy vampire don't be too hard on yourself. Take a look at the traits you possess or the actions that describe your vampirism and see what might be done to change. If you have a past full of negative experiences that you carry around with you, maybe its time to shed that old heavy coat and start today new. 

Thank you for reading this far. Do you know any energy vampires? How do you cope?
I realize this has been a long post. Hope you have a great week. And don't forget to spread the Gem Steady vibe.
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Twitter @gemsteady