Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Unbelievable Uvarovite Garnet

Another happy Tuesday from a snowy Ohio River Valley! I hope everyone had an amazing, relaxing weekend. I’m very excited to discuss this weekend’s exceptional gem. Some quick background information on me, January is always an awesome month in my house because three of my family member’s birthdays fall within the first month of the year. This week’s gem is dedicated to all of the amazing gem-loving people who also have a January birthday! That’s right this week, we’re talking about the January birthstone Uvarovite Garnet.

This beautiful emerald green gem is a rare but not forgotten version of the January birthstone. Germain Henri Hess first discovered Uvarovite Garnet around 1830; he then named it after a Russian statesman and mineral collector, Count Sergei Semenovitch Uvarov. It is one of the most rare Garnet stones, and can be found across the globe in countries such as Spain, Russia, Canada and South Africa.

In ancient Greek mythology, Garnet was believed to be able to heal emotional rifts between people. Additionally, it was used to honor Persephone, the Greek goddess of spring who represented the Earth coming alive again with beginning of spring. It was also used to honor Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of war and the most powerful goddess of Lower Egypt who was depicted with the head of a lion and the body of a woman.

Uvarovite Garnet is often called the stone of abundance because it can create an abundance of love, acceptance and peace. Moreover, this gem can help its wearer through periods of solitude without experiencing loneliness. This wonder gem can even help boost your self-confidence and fill your heart with a feeling that you have everything you need. It can also assist you in expressing yourself in a new positive way. This stone is associated with the heart chakra and can promote both wealth and prosperity.

But this gem’s help does not end with emotional and spiritual influences. It can help you with physical aliments by easing the symptoms of arthritis, wounds and scars. For all of its wonderful characteristics, Uvarovite Garnet has been used around the world for centuries as a protective gem, as well as a stone to promote enlightenment. It was even used as a protective talisman during the Crusades.

If you follow Gem Steady’s amazing Instagram account, you’ve already had a peek at the great Uvarovite Garnet stones that have been available. To be sure that you don’t miss out on an opportunity to get first dibs on future beauties, follow all of our social media sites. And next time you see something you love on one of our sites be sure to let us know!

Are you looking for a beautiful piece to celebrate a January birthday, or simply want to rock this amazing stone? If so, Gem Steady has you covered! Do you have any experience with Uvarovite Garnet or another birthstone? We would love to hear about it, leave us a comment below or Tweet us!

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Have a superb week everyone!

-Best Intern AR

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