Monday, August 19, 2013

I Just Called To Say I Love You.

Hello, people of the internet. This is Brittany Cole Stadtmiller, inventor of Gem Steady.
"Just what is Gem Steady" you might ask. "What does is mean?"
Gem Steady is many things, and the name is continually evolving. Most prevalent at the moment is the Gem Steady jewelry line. Thought tonight we are going to focus on where this thing all got started; with Life Coach Brittany C.

I've been thinking a lot lately about my previous ventures as a life coach, and wanted to make sure Gem Steady is staying true to is its roots as a positive vibe movement, while also pursuing the world of glitz, glamour, and jewels . Although I absolutely adore creating rings with my husband all day, our company stands for much more than a pile of rocks and silver.
This project has evolved substantially since it's beginnings not so long ago. Some of you may be familiar with the official definition of Gem Steady, and if you're not you can click this link right here to find out what it is.

In the past (less than a) year I have been lucky enough to meet(reunite with) and marry my amazing partner who has helped turn my made up term into more than just an adjective in the Urban Dictionary.

Together we are chasing our dreams, and step by step are paving a path and crossing off goals from our lists. I am so grateful for this, and every opportunity that has come our way this far. And I know what a difference gratitude and a positive mindset can make, and how dramatically my life changed once I grasped that concept.

That being said.....
I'd like to revive my role as Life Coach Brittany C. and offer tips on vibing to the max and feeling the best you've ever felt. I hope to post here on a regular basis and get everyone's levels on rocket level ten million.

Let's take a look at today's assignment...

I have a deck of cards with positive phrases on them. I just drew the one above randomly from the pile, and I think this is probably a good one for us to start out with. Read this to yourself a few times over and let it resonate for a minute 

'I am grateful and appreciate all the abundance I have in my life today'.

Whether you're a seasoned Steady Gemmer or brand new to the art of vibing this is a good one to practice focusing on. More often than not it seems easier to complain about our problems, or dwell on situations that didn't go your way. This habit of 'venting', or talking about all the negative things in our lives does absolutely nothing to benefit us. In fact, it draws more stuff into you life to complain about. So do yourself a favor. Stop complaining and read that sentence I posted above. Take three minutes (or more) to appreciate something great you have. Did you eat today? That must've cool to have food. You're reading this right now. That probably means you have eyes. Do you have a cute dog? A friendly cat? Are you musically inclined? How many shirts do you own? What do you love? 

Even if you're in the worst, most gawdawefulmood I'm sure there is at least one thing going for you. Find it. Dwell on it. And even if you hate this project; do it anyway as an experiment everyday until you've reached the hypothesis that you were wrong about hating it all along and now you feel amazing.

But seriously. 

It feels great to be back as Coach Brit C and I'm gonna try my little heart out to help the universe have happy, productive, and awesome days while simultaneously slinging some seriously awesome jewels.

So. If you're into down with positive energy and flashy rocks please follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pintrest @gemsteady. Find me on Facebook and check out our site

Stay tuned for a brand new post by the Gem Steady intern BB all about tomorrows Blue Moon. She's going to have some fun facts  and tell us all about why this is the perfect time for new beginnings!

Thank You For Reading!
 I am grateful for YOU!


  1. Sweet, Brittany! I'm grateful and bless that you are part of my nephew's life!
